The bivariate map shows DALY in relation to the socioeconomic deprivation index (GISD). Level 1 assigns the burden of disease to three main groups, level 3 (shown here) offers differentiated subgroups. The GISD is a composite measure of socioeconomic status that includes education, employment and income. It assesses regions relative to the region with the lowest and highest deprivation. Absolute statements about deprivation are not given. The dispersion of the values is shown separately. The values are age-standardised rates per 100,000 inhabitants based on the European standard population (2013). Fig. not smartphone-optimised.
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READING EXAMPLE Cause of burden of disease diabetes mellitus
The Altmark region has a high level of socioeconomic deprivation (GISD) and a DALY score of 1,198.83 per 100,000 inhabitants. The region is shown in dark blue. This means that the region is more deprived and has a higher burden of disease in the upper third compared to other regions. In contrast, the Rhine-Main region is shown in light blue. Compared to other regions, the burden of disease for diabetes is in the lower third with 794.96 DALY, while at the same time there is lower deprivation (GISD of 0.35 vs. 1).